Bonus Tie-in 32 – Misery

Here’s a short teaser of our brand new Patreon-exclusive episode of Uncut Gems Tie-ins, a monthly series where we take a classic movie and connect it to a film discussed on our main show.
In this show, which is tied into our month’s conversations about obsession and people who don’t know where the boundaries are, we are talking about one of the most iconic obsessed stalker fan movies of all time, Rob Reiner’s Misery. Over the course of our chat you will hear us talk about Stephen King’s unique way of writing quirky characters, how the movie improves occasionally on the novel and how James Caan and Kathy Bates truly bring their A-game to the set. We also talk about the logic of driving muscle cars in a blizzard, the suspense of waving a piss-filled pitcher around and just how disturbed we were by the “hobbling” scene.

To listen to the show, head over to our Patreon and subscribe!

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